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TAKE ACTION: Oppose bill that pits teacher against teacher, worsening teacher shortage

HB 387 initially dealt with new graduates hoping to enter the teaching profession with stellar college experiences, but who have had difficulties passing certain licensing exams. An amendment, however, has turned this into a troubling bill. The bill would allow administrators to give supplemental pay bonuses to a select few of teachers, at the expense of others, without bargaining these decisions. The effect would be less or no funds available for the rest of the teacher force.

Why you should care
The extra pay for a select few of teachers will come out of the pockets of every other teacher as this bill does not include funding. Also, stipends can be taken away at any time. The value of bargaining is that we can weigh the interests of all, knowing the immediate and long-term effects.

What you can do
Tell your senator to oppose SB 387.