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Secretary Jenner Responds to Educator Concerns on Literacy Endorsement

Indiana Secretary of Education Dr. Katie Jenner released a letter today in her weekly update addressing some of the concerns educators have about the literacy endorsement requirements. This acknowledgement follows robust advocacy by ISTA and the vocal contributions of teachers across the state.

Key highlights from Secretary Jenner’s letter include:

  1. Training Flexibility: The IDOE will allow the full 80 hours of required professional development to be completed asynchronously starting July 1. This change, coupled with efforts to expand the list of approved training options, aims to provide more accessible and relevant professional development.
  2. PK-6 License Flexibility: Teachers with a PK-6 "parent license" who do not currently teach PK-5 literacy will no longer be required to earn the early literacy endorsement, offering significant relief to educators focused on other content areas.
  3. PRAXIS Concerns: The concerns about the PRAXIS exam are acknowledged by Sec. Jenner as complex. The IDOE says it is committed to exploring alternative measures to ensure consistent, implementation of science of reading practices.
  4. Future Training Opportunities: Additional training sessions through Keys to Literacy are scheduled for fall 2024 and spring 2025. ISTA will continue advocating for sustained funding in future state budgets.

The direct and impactful voices of educators, amplified by ISTA’s persistent push for change, have been instrumental in prompting these adjustments. ISTA remains committed to advocating for the complete removal of the PRAXIS exam requirement and for the acceptance of more diverse courses as meeting the professional development requirement.

Secretary Jenner’s letter is a response to the extensive feedback from educators and represents a commitment to adjusting the literacy endorsement policies in ways that respect and support the needs of Indiana’s teachers. For further details, educators can refer to the newly issued FAQ document here.

ISTA will continue to advocate vigorously for policies that truly support the well-being and professional growth of educators.