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It’s easier with Easy Pay

This year the Indiana General Assembly passed legislation curtailing your ability to pay union membership dues through payroll deduction. Local associations, that were still offering payroll deduction, have been making the switch to ISTA’s Easy Pay, a convenient method to pay Association dues, including local dues, through automatic deductions from a checking or savings account, credit card or personal/bank check. By switching all members to Easy Pay, we take away a tactic used by legislators to distract from the real issues facing public education.

Why Switch

Hear from a local association leader on why they’ve made the switch to Easy Pay.

How to Switch

If you were on payroll deduction, you may have made the switch during the school year when an association representative or other local association leader approached you, but if you didn’t have time before the school year ended, here’s how you can seamlessly make the switch.

Go to NEA’s eDues. Enter your member ID and ZIP code. You will select the frequency and method of payment.

Call the ISTA Member Resource Center (MRC) at 844-ASK-ISTA to request a paper enrollment form or provide your information over the phone to an MRC associate.