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Early career educators: Join racial and social justice webinar series

Early career educators plan to participate in a webinar series to advance racial and social justice, while supporting educators and students of color.

The series, hosted by the NEA’s Center for Organizing in collaboration with the Center for Social Justice, aims to assist educators in understanding the effects of injustice on their ability to effectively teach in the classroom and how it manifests in various ways in a school environment.

Save the dates and plan to join.

All webinars will be held from 7 – 8:30 p.m. ET.

Join Webinars

Jan. 27: Talking Race: Racial Justice in Education Introduction to and definitions of the levels of racism and its impacts on institutions and systems. Outlining why a race equity/justice lens is critical to our work. Activities and tools introduced to support the development of a racial analysis as well as basic tools to engage in constructive discussions about race.

Feb. 17: Advancing Racial Justice in Education Examining and deepening the skills and knowledge needed to support leaders and the organization’s racial analyses. Providing the opportunity for leaders to apply this racial analysis to all levels of the Association. Applying a race equity lens and the development of action plan/steps meant to further racial justice in education and equity throughout the organization and its work.  

March 17: Understanding Implicit Bias Microaggressions and Stereotypes Implicit bias refers to the attitudes, beliefs or stereotypes that affect our understanding, actions and decisions in an unconscious manner. These biases often manifest themselves in the forms of micro-aggressions and stereotypes. Everyone has implicit bias, but few of us are aware of it and how it impacts our daily experiences. For educators, implicit bias may have a negative effect on our students’ behavior and academic outcomes. This session will share real-life examples of different implicit bias, micro-aggressions and stereotypes, how they impact our schools and provide practical strategies to address and confront them in ourselves and others.  

April 21: Engaging in Racial Justice Organizing and Action Sharpening our racial analysis to end systemic patterns of racial inequity and injustice and catalyze communities to action. By leveraging our collective voice and power, we can begin identifying and actively supporting solutions aimed at increasing racial equity and preventing racial injustice.

May 19: Racial Justice in the Classroom Talking about racial justice in public education – constructively, honestly and openly – is difficult. We as educators must continually challenge and dismantle, piece by piece, the structures, policies and implicit biases we all have that prop up white privilege at the expense of students and families of color. To do anything less is to deny the world in which our students live, to concede that some students deserve less.

June (date to be confirmed): 21 Day Equity Challenge Intensive 21-day challenge that will take a deep dive into diversity, equity and inclusion in the Association and use the skills learned to build capacity and create more member organizers of color. This challenge will culminate in a virtual art build. 

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