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Ferebee's 'listening tour' literally just the first step to privatize IPS


6602584554995712?GoogleAccessId=clipularSince being recruited to Indianapolis by ‘ed reformer’ and IPS board member, Gayle Cosby (who received more than $45,000 from Democrats for Education Reform), IPS Superintendent Lewis Ferebee seems to be following the ‘ed reformer’ game plan of privatizing Indianapolis Public Schools.

After all, it was the Mind Trust that was paid nearly $700,000 by then-Superintendent Tony Bennett to devise the plan to privatize IPS.

Since arriving in Indianapolis, Ferebee has quickly immersed himself in getting the Mind Trust’s and Center on Reinventing Public Education's (CRPE) ‘opportunity’ and ‘portfolio’ schools on track at IPS.

So far, he is following their plan for ‘reform’ to a T. Since attending CRPE workshops in Houston last month, Ferebee and some board members are full steam ahead for the ‘ed reform’ agenda discussed there.

Ferebee has implemented the first step of what CRPE calls ‘engaging the public.’ Read the full CRPE 'engagement' plan here.


They claim this step is important “(f)or district leaders impatient to implement school reforms.” CRPE jokingly refers to this step as “How can we get people to support what we’ve already decided to do?

We’re assuming parents and other members of the community now attending Ferebee’s "listening tour" probably wouldn’t find this very funny. Neither do we. But that is the same brand of "listening" local teachers have gotten from Ferebee and IPS board members.


How can we get people to support what we’ve already decided to do?